My First Blog Post: Do You Believe in Miracles?

Hello! 🙂 Welcome to my blog. This one’s my first blog post and I will be talking about miracles. I just couldn’t keep it myself, there’s this strong feeling inside me that’s urging me to tell it to everyone and now, here I am!

Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe that God makes miracles? For me, it’s YES! It was when I was in 3rd year high school that I had a personal experience of God’s divine intervention in my life and had fully become aware that God is indeed a miraculous loving God,  and Yes, He always listen to our fervent prayers.

I have been a witness of God’s wonders and mysteries in the scarcest and difficult seasons in my life for a couple of times like winning in a regional competition where winning seems so impossible because of undesirable circumstances; surviving a not-so-ordinary illness; a stranger paying my hospital bill; winning a job after going through the hole of a needle, and many more.

Just recently, I was so stressed and frustrated with my financial drawbacks that I don’t want to talk with anyone because my mind’s been so bugged with my snags. My parents don’t know how I would cry at night because of my problems. You wouldn’t even believe how I struggle financially at this young age of mine knowing that I’m single and still live with my parents. Though my parents would always tell me that it’s because of my addiction to traveling and adventure, I blame all my failed investments and those people who I lent all my money, the scams and the like. Grrr! HAHA. It was lesson I have to learn in a hard way. 😥

Going into details, just a week ago I was notified that I have to pay a friend whom I borrowed a large amount of money with its accumulated interest before the end of the month. And when I say a large amount of money, it’s really large. Haha! I promised I would provide the amount to her on the agreed due date but deep inside I really had no idea where to get that amount. Due to too much pressure and stress, I would weep at night, stare at blank spaces even at the office, feel irritated with people’s presence, and even experience frequent headaches and my eyes always feel tired. At night, I would also talk to God as if He’s just with me inside my bedroom, desperately asking for help while in tears.

I hated to do it but I had no choice, I withdrew all my money from my bank accounts but still it was not enough. Out of my desperation, I even looked for someone who would allow me to withdraw in advance my year-end bonus but no one responded. I was so distressed by that time. But just right before I feel hopeless and helpless, to my surprise my mom texted me with a very good news! Someone who mortgaged her farmland to me more than a year ago returned my money with its incurred profit. I was so happy. The feeling was unexplainable. The first thought I had after getting the news was that God was helping me. It’s his divine intervention! He was the first person in my mind during that time, no one else. I know and I can feel it in my heart. My mood was lit up as if I had won a lottery, and my heart was filled with thanksgiving. Because of that, I was able to accumulate the large amount of money to pay my friend and now I effin’ broke, with insufficient balances in my bank accounts. HAHA. Nevertheless, I know God will help me get through this like what He did many times in my life. I am confident that God always provide.

“Through my bleakest financial moments God always provided. I’ve witnessed miracles and experienced His Glory when in the natural it seemed hopeless or didn’t add up. Pray and leave your need at the altar. Trust Him for He will multiply and abundantly supply. Be blessed. – Shayla Ortiz”

I know this blog post may appear as very shallow or nothing but a petty problem to others, but for me it isn’t. My heart is full of gratitude to the Lord for all his provisions in my life may it be big or small. Why am I sharing this? Because I want you to know that you should never doubt God’s love for you. There may be times that you would feel helpless and desperate but know that God is always there. He hears our prayers. He knows that deepest cries of our hearts even before we say it. Remember, God gives the hardest battles to his strongest soldiers. When you feel like life’s pushing on you, be strong and push back. God is with you always. You just have to trust Him. Trust His ways. Trust His miracles.


GOD loves you,

Little Miss Wild Heart